Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Now that's what I'm talkin' about!

Okay, making more progress... still not as fast as I'd like, but I have to remember that I haven't done this stuff for awhile so it is slower going.

Shower area completely waterproofed. Goofed up and forgot to seal the niche so had to take down the waterproofing and redo. And of course I didn't have enough of the stuff so had to add an additional overlap seam with the scrap I had. Lame

Tiled up border on the niche. Amazing coincidence? All the miter cut pieces are exactly the same size. What are the odds of that happening?

Yeah baby! Finally, some of that spendy mosaic tile in place. Will have to cut a teeny bit on the shelf. Hopefully that is the only cutting I do on this entire project. Keep your fingers crossed.

Monday, November 12, 2007

More progress...

Sheetrock is in, the shower is ready for some Kerdi action (waterproofing membrane). Should have it all by this Wednesday. I think I'll be ready to tile this weekend!

Here is a shot of the niche (very rough):

I'll miter cut the border tile. The color of the mosaic tile isn't even close as you're seeing the tan colored paper through the glass vs. white thinset (and that is the back of the tile). I have been dying to do this mosaic tile so you can see just how beautiful it really is. Do you see the shelf that will be in the niche? It will match the mosaic tile so will blend nicely (note the photo is sideways).

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

My oh my what can this be?

Is this a bathtub installed I see? (You late 30's/early 40's folks might remember this line from the School House Rocks era - what did the original line say? Answer below.)

More thanks to the Spiccoli man. Let's just hope it doesn't leak. A few screws to secure it in place and it should be good to go.

Also, I either bought or ordered everything I need to start tiling the shower. So hopefully in a week or so I'll be ready to do that. I'm going with a larger niche than originally planned - this one has two compartments - see below. Looks like based on the measurements the mosaic tile will fit perfectly. Keeping my fingers crossed though.

Need to install the sheetrock and do a quick dry layout to find the exact spot for the niche. Then onto the waterproofing membrane and then the tile!!!

* Instead of "Is this a bathtub installed I see?" the line went, "For goodness sake a cavity." I know, I've lost it.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Some progress but not a lot...

Okay, so I haven't done much of anything lately, but hope to get the bathtub in this weekend. Spiccoli will help me out Sunday. In the meantime, here are a couple of photos of work recently done:

New Plumbing (thanks Spiccoli for your help)

Mirrors installed! It's actually starting to look like my mockup...

Will probably get back in the queue this month for the counter. Nick's bidness is kicking arse so squeezing me in is not easy. His stuff is even better now so check out his gallery in the links to the right. After the tub is in I can start tiling the shower though so that will take some time. Plus I have a laundry list of things to do for neighbors - I gotta get those done too. I feel bad for committing to them but not following through...